Join the Experience of Making Your Inner Hero Come Alive...

  • Travel, Adventure, Community & Storytelling
  • Choose Your Character & Create Your Reality
  • To find out more click this link:

Watch the Renegade Hero Trailer

Join me and other fellow Renegades on the next 14 day travel experience. This is a fully immersive journey where you will get to participate in the unravelling of your own inner hero. Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone and into a new country where you will meet the locals and participate in various events that are designed to reignite your passion for storytelling. Watch your stories come to life as you not only write them, but embody them. Are you up for the challenge? To find out more, Get Involved.

Michelle Flevotomas

Team & Story

Why I decided to take storytelling to the next level…

At age 33 I thought I was at the top of my game in my life, but of course this wouldn’t be a story if that’s all there was to it. I had a moment, if you want to call it the dark night of the soul be my guest, but to me it was a divine intervention of gratitude. The moment when your life stops making sense, you’ve crossed the t’s, dotted the i’s and no magic happens, in fact it’s the complete opposite. I felt paralyzed, but what was I afraid of? Good question – I asked it over and over again… until finally I got so fed up I decided to go on a journey of rediscovering myself. It was this journey that allowed me to see myself and my world from a different perspective. I was already a renegade but I hadn’t reached the level of Hero. In my quest for answers I turned to my degree in biopsychology which led me to neuroscience combined with personal development; my career in storytelling provided me with the avenue. The most powerful tool you have is your mind and the most important story you will ever tell is the one you are living. This is why Renegade Hero was created – to help those on the quest of redefining their personal stories live the life they see in their head.